
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Purely Pinspirational!

Many of you know about Pinterest and how wonderful the site is for keeping all the wonderfully inspirational things we find organized and easy to find.  I love it so much that I've decided to share with you a bit of my love for it so you too can enjoy pinning your favorite ideas and inspirations.

There are many who use Pinterest for food, crafts, fashion and much more.  There are many who use it to keep a collection of photos they've seen and love.  I've seen boards of color where they keep pinks, blues, whites, etc. organized and easy to go back to for inspiration.  That is the truly wonderful part of this excellent site; that you can keep all your favorite things on the internet in one place.  No more confusing bookmarks to keep straight and remember.

Did you know you can create your own pins and that it's a great idea to do so?  Why you ask?  Why to keep Pinterest fresh and interesting.  If no one ever pinned anything besides what is already there, we'd see the same pins, over and over and over again.  I'm sure many of you have noticed that you do see this occur.  Also I get this silly jealousy feeling when I see a friend has pinned something I have pinned but they didn't find it from me.  That's why they have the follow and being followed options.  So that you can look at your friends boards and see what they are pinning.  Your friends who have already searched and organized the best pins there are for a specific category.  That's also why you can follow someone's particular board.

Here are my favorite ways to avoid stagnant pins.  

1. Look first at your friend's boards.  They will have organized them already into neat categories.

2. Find boards that you love and follow that particular board.  

3. When you find a pin that you want to save to your own board, once you've pinned it, there is a reference to where it came from.  Click on the link and look at the whole board.  Say you find a decorating idea for Christmas and the link for their Christmas board is referenced.  Go to that board and take a look at their favorites.  If they have great taste, follow the board and pin your favorites that they have already pinned.

4. If you have a great idea and make or do something that you feel worthy of sharing; make a pin!

Hopefully this has revved you up and you feel compelled to start implementing these ideas and strategies.  Also, don't forget to review your own boards and delete repeat pins, organize your boards and use the recipes, craft ideas, fashion inspiration that you have found.  Otherwise, why pin right?

Happy Pinning!         

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